Research and Publications


COL Bobbilynn H. Lee Panorama
U.S. Army-Baylor Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration Projects
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A Gimpse of the family.


Ron my husband and I. It has been a wonderful 13 years of marriage. He is the right brain and I am the left. We have lots of fun volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America. We were on the planning committee for the  World Jamboree in Thailand, had a wonderful time making medical preparations for the 150 countries who assembled there in 2003-4.  


Ron is a talented fine art photographer and mixed media artist. He is now creating his works of art in semiprecious raw gemstones. Visit his website to see his work.


Here's a photo of my sisters Cynthia and Kathy, and my mother Secondris Hawkins. This was at Kathy's wedding, and my Dad, COL Hawkins, was in the other room!


My newest nephew, Maurice Robert Leon, Cynthia and Paul's little sweetheart. Yes, we call him Mo-Mo.

COL Bobbilynn H. Lee